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Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy

1.         RECITALS

      • Application scope

    1.1.      This Privacy Policy applies to personal data collected and processed at the web page of MARTIN YACHTING, obrt za usluge, vl. Martin Šutalo, Metković, Ul. Jakova Gotovca 10, PIN: 25148167356 email: booking@martin-yachting.com (hereinafter: „MARTIN YACHTING“).

    1.2.      This Privacy Policy is construed in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of European Parliament and Council (General Regulation on Dana Protection) which has entered into the force on 25 May 2018 and other legal acts regulating the dana protection in the Republic of Croatia.

    1.3.      Personal data is each data related to identified or identifiable person. Accordingly, this Privacy Policy will be applied to all users of the web page – private persons, while it will be applied to the users of the web page – business entities only to the extent applicable for the private persons (e.g. name and surname and contact data of the contact person within the business entity)


    2.1.      MARTIN YACHTING processes users’ personal data taking into account the following personal dana protection principles:

    –           personal data is processed in a lawful, fair and transparent manner,

    –           personal data is collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes,

    –           personal data is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed,

    –           personal data is accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay,

    –           personal data can be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed,

    –           personal data is processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures

    2.2.      MARTIN YACHTING can process the users’ personal data on one of the following legal basis:

    –           processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the user is party or in order to take steps at the request of the user prior to entering into a contract;

    –           processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which MARTIN YACHTING is subject;

    –           processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the user or of another natural person;

    –           processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest;

    –           processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by MARTIN YACHTING or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal dana


        • Cookies

      3.1.      MARTIN YACHTING collects personal data via cookies. Processing of the personal data via cookies is regulated by the cookie tab, available on the web page, where the users can manage their preferences at any time.

          • Booking data

        3.2.      MARTIN YACHTING will collect the data entered by the users in the web page form for the purposes of enabling the reservation of yachting arrangement according to user’s declared preferences.

        3.3.      MARTIN YACHTING will use the data in order to prepare, if feasible, a few arrangement offers to the user. Before the user accepts the offer, the user’s data will be processed exclusively by MARTIN YACHTING. After the user accepts the offer, MARTIN YACHTING will disclose to the user the identity of the charter who will directly provide the service and request the user’s permission for forwarding the user’s personal data to charter -service provider.

        3.4.      Charters – service providers might be both, legal entities having the registered seat within or outside EU. After the users get in direct touch with service providers pursuant to Art 3.3. of this Privacy Policy, the users remain liable for getting familiar with the service provider’s privacy rules whereas MARTIN YACHTING will not bear any liability thereof.

            •  Photos and reviews

          3.5.      MARTIN YACHTING can publish photos and reviews given by the guests. Both, photos and reviews can be given by the guest either self-initially, or upon request.

          3.6.      Providing the photo or review is completely voluntary and unconditioned. The guest are authorized to withdraw the permission for publishing the photo and/or review at any time, without any consequences.

          3.7.      In case where MARTIN YACHTING will publish the guest’s reviews, it will state the guest’s name, capital letter of the surname and country.


          4.1.      MARTIN YACHTING can publish the links to the web pages of its partners or to social media profiles where MARTIN YACHTING has the user’s account (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube).

          4.2.      MARTIN YACHTING can not warrant and is not liable for personal data protection status on such web pages and/or social media. The users are due to get familiar with the privacy policy at those pages and/or social media and use it on their own liability. MARTIN YACHTING will not bear any liability for any unlawfulness, including the lack of compliance of the web pages and/or social media with the Regulation.


          5.1.      The user has a right to the access, deletion and limitation of personal data processing. The users can object to processing the personal data processed on basis of the legitimate interest. The users can, at any time, waive the consent for the processing based on consent.

          5.2.      The users can get the information on collection of personal data, as well as to file objections and requests for the realization of the personal data rights through contact form at web page or by sending the inquiry at email booking@martin-yachting.com. The users can file the objection to the Supervisory body in the Republic of Croatia – Agency for Personal Data Protection via email azop@azop.hr or to the Supervisory body in the country of the user’s domicile.

          6.         MISSCELANEOUS

          6.1.      MARTIN YACHTING reserves the right to amend and supplement this Privacy Policy.

          6.2.      All amendments and supplements of this Privacy Policy will be created and published

          in the same manner as this Privacy Policy. The users will be informed of the amendments and supplements during the first next visit to MARTIN YACHTING’s web page.

          This Privacy Policy has been updated on 27 March 2024

          Terms and Conditions

          Welcome to MARTIN YACHTING, spot for arranging a perfect vacation on Adriatic Sea!

          Owner of this web page is MARTIN YACHTING, obrt za usluge, vl. Martin Šutalo, Metković, Ul. Jakova Gotovca 10, PIN: 25148167356 email: booking@martin-yachting.com  (hereinafter: „MARTIN YACHTING“).

              • Scope of services

            MARTIN YACHTING directly and personally provides skipper’s services.

            In cases where MARTIN YACHTING is personally unavailable for skipper’s services in wished period, MARTIN YACHTING will inform the guest thereof and, if possible, recommend, the skipper’s service by one of the trusted colleagues.

            Pursuant to the declared guests’ preferences, MARTIN YACHTING will, in communication with trusted business partners, put best efforts to create offer for the boat in whished time period.

                • Reservation

              Please note that the reservation for MARTIN YACHTING is made in following order:

                  • The guests declare preferred time period in which they want to use skipper’s services.

                  • MARTIN YACHTING checks its availability for the designated time period and either confirms, or declines request for personal skipper’s services.

                  • In case where MARTIN YACHTING declines the request for personal skipper’s services, it will put best effort to suggest some of the trusted skipper colleagues available in that period.

                  • In case where MARTIN YACHTING confirms its personal availability, it creates the offer for its services.

                  • The skipper’s services will be deemed reserved after the guest explicitly accepts the offer and pays the deposit in the amount of EUR 250,00 at least 1 month prior to the beginning of the reserved vacation. The amount of EUR 250,00 will be deducted from the final price of the skipper’s services.

                This reservation policy refers only for MARTIN YACHTING personal skipper’s services. For the reservation policy of other legal subjects potentially involved (e.g. other skippers and/ or charters etc.), please contact those service providers directly.

                    • Cancellation policy

                  In case where guest cancels the reservation for MARTIN YACHTING’s skipper’s services more than 15 days from the date of the beginning of the vacation, the guest can do it without any consequences. In that case, MARTIN YACHTING will refund the paid deposit amount within 15 days as of the date of cancelling the reservation.

                  In case where guest cancels the reservation for MARTIN YACHTING’s skipper’s services 15 or less days from the date of the beginning of the vacation, the guest does not have a right to realize a refund the paid deposit.

                  The cancellation policy refers only to the reservations for the MARTIN YACHTING’s direct and personal skipper’s services made in accordance with this Terms and Conditions. For the cancellation policy of other legal subjects potentially involved (e.g. other skippers and/ or charters etc.), please contact those service providers directly.

                      • Limitation of liability

                    MARTIN YACHTING is liable for the performance of the personal skipper’s services.

                    MARTIN YACHTING does not undertake any liability for the services of other legal subjects potentially involved (e.g. other skippers and/ or charters etc.). MARTING YACHTING acts neither as a broker, or a representative of any of the persons/ legal entities involved.

                    MARTIN YACHTING’s intention is to provide the recommendation and information on potential service providers. The guests are not in any way conditioned or obliged by the recommendation and/or information provided by MARTIN YACHTING. The guests remain completely free and liable for the choice of other service providers.

                        • Communication

                      All inquiries and objections can be filed via email address and phone number as stated in the Contact column at the web page.

                      Please have in mind that all objections will be resolved as soon as possible and at longest within statutory deadline of 15 days.

                      All other inquiries will be resolved pursuant to their urgency. Requests for the reservations of MARTIN YACHTING personal skipper’s services are usually resolved within 1 working day.

                      These Terms and Conditions have been updated on 27 March 2024

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                      WhatsApp from anywhere.